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“144小時過境免簽”政策 廈門迎來首批免簽旅客

2019-01-02 17:10  來源:東南網  責任編輯:夏菁  我來說兩句


4. Areas allowed to stay


Foreigners who enter Xiamen via 144-hour visa-free transit are only allowed to stay in the administrative area of Xiamen Municipality.


5. How to calculate the duration of the 144-hour visa-free transit?


The duration of stay as referred to in the 144-hour visa-free transit policy will begin from 00:00 o'clock the following day after entry into Xiamen. For example, a 144-hour transit visa-free passenger enters at Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport today. Starting from 00:00AM tomorrow, he/she is allowed to stay in Xiamen for 144 hours. The duration of stay will be specified on the temporary entry permit issued by the Chinese immigration inspection authority on his/her passport.


6. Xiamen ports of entry and exit for the 144-hour visa-free transit


Citizens of the 53 eligible countries can only apply for the 144-hour visa-free transit when entering and exiting via Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, Wutong Wharf and Xiamen International Cruise Center.


7. If the applicant does not hold a connecting flight/ship ticket to a third country/region at the time of entry, but plans to purchase ticket within 144 hours after entering Xiamen, can he/she apply for the 144-hour visa-free transit?


According to the regulations, any applicant eligible for 144-hour visa-free transit must hold a connecting travel ticket with confirmed date and seat for application, before his/her entry into Xiamen. Therefore, this policy is not applicable to those who do not hold a 144-hour connecting travel ticket before entry.


8. Can foreigner passengers enter Xiamen via the 144-hour visa-free transit while leave China via another city?


Foreign passengers eligible for the 144-hour visa-free transit via Xiamen must enter Xiamen from one country/region and proceed to a third country/region via Xiamen port of entry and exit, namely Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, Wutong Wharf, and Xiamen International Cruise Center, within 144 hours. They are not allowed to leave China from airport or seaport in other cities.

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