四、144小時過境免簽外國人入境后的活動范圍有何限制 4. Areas allowed to stay 自廈門空海港口岸入境的“144小時過境免簽”外國人,停留期間僅限于在廈門市行政區域范圍內活動。 Foreigners who enter Xiamen via 144-hour visa-free transit are only allowed to stay in the administrative area of Xiamen Municipality. 五、144小時過境免簽外國人停留時間怎么計算? 5. How to calculate the duration of the 144-hour visa-free transit? 廈門空海港口岸144小時過境免簽外國人,自入境日的次日零時起,可在廈門市停留不超過144小時。比如144小時過境免簽旅客今天從高崎國際機場入境,其停留時間起算是從今天晚上24時之后即次日零時開始,以后的144小時內可以在廈門市活動,入境當天的時間不計算在內。具體停留日期以邊檢機關在其護照簽證頁上簽發的臨時入境許可中標明的停留期限為準。 The duration of stay as referred to in the 144-hour visa-free transit policy will begin from 00:00 o'clock the following day after entry into Xiamen. For example, a 144-hour transit visa-free passenger enters at Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport today. Starting from 00:00AM tomorrow, he/she is allowed to stay in Xiamen for 144 hours. The duration of stay will be specified on the temporary entry permit issued by the Chinese immigration inspection authority on his/her passport. 六、入境出境口岸范圍 6. Xiamen ports of entry and exit for the 144-hour visa-free transit “144小時過境免簽”外國人由廈門高崎國際機場口岸、五通客運碼頭、廈門國際郵輪中心口岸入境和出境。 Citizens of the 53 eligible countries can only apply for the 144-hour visa-free transit when entering and exiting via Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, Wutong Wharf and Xiamen International Cruise Center. 七、如果入境時沒有買好出境的機(船)票,計劃先入境后再買144小時內離境前往第三國(地區)的機(船)票,是否可申請144小時過境免簽? 7. If the applicant does not hold a connecting flight/ship ticket to a third country/region at the time of entry, but plans to purchase ticket within 144 hours after entering Xiamen, can he/she apply for the 144-hour visa-free transit? 根據規定,符合144小時過境免簽國家的外國人申請144小時過境免簽時,必須持有已確定日期及座位的聯程機票、船票,即在其入境前必須已買好出境時的機(船)票。因此,對未訂妥144小時聯程機票、船票的外國人,不適用此項便利政策。 According to the regulations, any applicant eligible for 144-hour visa-free transit must hold a connecting travel ticket with confirmed date and seat for application, before his/her entry into Xiamen. Therefore, this policy is not applicable to those who do not hold a 144-hour connecting travel ticket before entry. 八、外國人在廈門空海港口岸辦理144小時過境免簽手續入境后,可否申請從其它空港口岸出境? 8. Can foreigner passengers enter Xiamen via the 144-hour visa-free transit while leave China via another city? 廈門空海港口岸144小時過境免簽是指53國的外國旅客從一個國家(地區)經廈門空海港口岸去另外一個國家(地區)。過境免簽政策的條件就是從廈門空海港口岸辦理入境手續入境,144小時之內還必須從廈門空海港港辦理出境手續出境。從其它城市的空海港口岸出境,目前來說是不可以的。 Foreign passengers eligible for the 144-hour visa-free transit via Xiamen must enter Xiamen from one country/region and proceed to a third country/region via Xiamen port of entry and exit, namely Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, Wutong Wharf, and Xiamen International Cruise Center, within 144 hours. They are not allowed to leave China from airport or seaport in other cities. |